10 Signs of Low Self-Esteem

10 Signs of Low Self-Esteem

Self-esteem can mean many things to many people. As a whole, it can be defined as how worthy we feel to ourselves and to the world. If an individual feels a low level of worth, their attitudes about themselves and the world will be negative, bitter, and disapproving. While in contrast, one who feels a high level of worth has a more healthy view of themselves, develops positive relationships, and finds comfort in the world and their surroundings.

It is not uncommon for us to feel badly about ourselves from time to time. The occasional dip in our spirits is not the same as having low self-esteem. This list of ten low self-esteem signs can help provide clarity:

1. You do not feel secure in who you are or what you have to offer the world. You are not sure where your place is, and do not feel like you have a purpose or even direction.

2. You are not able to see the good in others or the world around you. You are critical of others and very judgmental.

3. You are not able to move on from the past and stay stuck, and continue to relive a bad experience.

4. You are not able to overcome adversity or setbacks easily. Small things bring your down and keep you there.

5. You are not able to forgive yourself or others. You believe that everyone is against you.

6. You do not have a clear sense of your own values. You do not know what is important to you or what defines your character.

7. You take poor care of your physical and mental health. You body and mind are not a priority to you and you pay little attention to your overall health.

8. You are not able to develop a positive outlook on life, and feel that no good can come your way.

9. You are pessimistic and unhappy.

10. You do not take responsibility for your own thoughts, actions, or life.

Having low self-esteem and not loving yourself go hand in hand. There are many reasons for this and many influences throughout our lives that contribute to low self-esteem - from our parents, to teachers, to religious leaders, to the social climate during time we were growing up, siblings, and peers. Poor self-esteem is not something that happens overnight, and it can definitely be changed.

Learning to love yourself is one of the first steps in beginning to feel better about yourself and your position in life. Nurturing and comforting yourself emotionally, taking care of yourself physically, being financially responsible, having intellectual stimulation, and creating an environment that is comfortable and reflects your personality are all expressions of self love.

Acquiring a good self-esteem is about setting attainable goals, hard work, and achievement. This sense of accomplishment is an act of loving yourself and changing your position in life to make yourself great.